Training and Consulting
For Lawyers

Psychological Experts Aiding Justice

Proven psychological science

A renowned real world approach

All of Veretis Legal Psychology’s training modules and presentations are based on proven psychological science and delivered with our renowned real world applicable approach. Our team has experience in both psychology and the legal industry, and are therefore perfectly positioned to deliver relevant, engaging and informative presentations.

Our programs prioritise participant involvement and discussion to enhance engagement and learning. Worksheets and summary sheets accompany the presentations to ensure the information is reinforced and consolidated, and serving as a reminder after the session.

We present on a wide variety of topics, and all programs offer CPD points. You can see a full breakdown of the CPD points available in the 2021 Syllabus.

Psychologists can play an important role in court proceedings, where specialised knowledge ,ay assist in understanding the evidence or facts in your matter. In this workshop, we will focus on how to effectively brief psychologists in criminal, family, personal injury, immigration matters, and civil litigation matters. This covers instances when a psychological report can assist, the type of services a psychologist can offer, effective referral questions (i.e., what question do you want answered for the matter), and what to include in the brief. (PS)

High workloads, high pressure environments, severe consequences for poor results, and continued exposure to distressing material are all part of the legal industry. This contributes to the statistic that one in three lawyers experience some form of mental health concern during their career. This training focuses on teaching lawyers the six paradigms of wellbeing, which are proven to support resilience and a positive state of wellbeing. (PS)

Participants will attain a mental health first aid certification in a program specifically focusing on effective ways to improve and support mental health in the workplace. (PMBS & PS)

As lawyers working in the criminal and family law system, we often come across clients with drug related problems. In practicing the law (particularly criminal law), it is important to have a working understanding of the different types of drugs and how they affect the body. This workshop will cover the different categories of drugs and various types of drugs in the market, as well as how they affect a person’s behaviours. (PS)

What is the risk of re-offending? The psychological understanding of risk is oftentimes different from the legal criteria. What do the experts mean when they refer to static and dynamic risks? How is risk of offending measured by psychologists? Understanding this important concept will further bolster your effective use of the expert’s risk assessment in court. (PS)

As a legal practitioner, how do you work with child clients? How do you interact with children to obtain proper instructions? This workshop will provide general guidance on working with children, as a legal practitioner, and answer any questions they may have regarding this area. It will further provide particular cognitive developmental milestones that individuals reach at various age ranges. This workshop will be particularly useful for criminal and family law practitioners. (PS)

The legal industry is renowned for burning people out, and many organisations have lost terrific people to burnout. Burnout can have a serious impact on our personal well-being and careers, and at its worst, can cause five years of emotional and behavioural impairment.

This training will help lawyers understand and recognise the five stages of burnout, the initial symptoms, how to appropriately respond, and avoid experiencing a full-scale burnout. The training will help individuals manage the pressures of the legal profession in a manner that is sustainable to their health and well-being and aids them in performing at their best. (PS)

Many professionals struggle with the transition into management and leadership positions; burning themselves out, stifling performance, or inadvertently causing good talent to leave the firm.

Developing effective leadership and management, behaviours, and principles is essential to preparing individuals to take on these positions and enhance their performance when in these positions. Veretis coaches leadership and management skills to some of the most recognised brands in the world and can help your leaders succeed in their positions and enhance the performance of those they lead. (PMBS)

As a legal practitioner, you are naturally required to work with a number of different types of clients and colleagues. We all have experienced difficult people in life, especially in the workplace. This workshop will help you identify different types of difficult behaviours or personalities, identify common situations, and provide various strategies to navigate around those situations. (PS)

On one hand, stress and feeling under pressure shows that we perceive what we are doing as important. However, we can also breed doubt in our ability if we let ruminative thinking take hold. This training helps participants utilise pressure to enhance their decision making and elevate their performance during those pressured moments. (PS)

Change can be disruptive and detrimental to performance and mindset. This program is ideal for teams and organisations with expected changes approaching. It will help the team understand how change will impact their performance and stress levels, and how they can support each other as a team to stay true to their collective values. (PMBS & PS)

Human beings are social animals. Our bodies are inevitably communicating signals to others around us whether we are aware of it or not. It is even more important in an office, where we work with others throughout most of the day. How can we communicate our needs to colleagues, be it our peers, superiors, or juniors, in an effective way? This workshop will aim to provide guidance on effective use of verbal and written communication within your firm. (PS)

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