
Psychological Experts Aiding Justice


A psychological assessment report which will provide the magistrate or judge with relevant subjective matters, including this client’s background information, personal circumstances, past and current mental conditions or cognitive issues, and our recommendations in order to guide their sentencing decisions, especially to explore non-custodial pathways and suggest treatment plans to maximise the clients prosocial lifestyle in the community.

An application available within the local court, where we assess the individual for mental condition or cognitive impairment which may be relevant to their offending, and thereby form a comprehensive treatment plan to manage their future risk of recidivism.

A psychological assessment concerning the defendant’s ability to partake in a hearing or trial. We specialise in providing assessments where cognitive issues are in question.

We can provide urgent assessments for mental health or substance abuse issues which may be better managed in a treatment facility or at a psychology practice, rather than in custody.

We can provide expert witness reports in order to answer specific legal questions, such a risk of re-offending. Where there is a psychological issue in question, our experts can properly assess to achieve diagnostic clarity and answer the question in plain English that is accessible to non-psychologists.

We have expertise in providing our expert opinion in a range of immigration applications or pathways, including matters relating to s501, Schedule 3 application, unfit character assessments, risk of future offending, and other matters relevant to the Department of Home Affairs, the AAT or Court

Our team has extensive experience in preparing reports for the Federal Circuit Court or Family Court in relation to parenting matters, such as parental responsibilities, access, and relocation issues.

We can provide expert evidence in relation to civil litigation matters, where a psychological issue is in question. These include the competency or capacity of a witness to give evidence, and psychological issues that may affect the client’s involvement in their litigation matter.

Our experts can conduct mental health and/or cognitive assessments in order to assess the functioning of individuals who were involved in motor vehicle accidents or workplace injuries.

We can assess individuals of their capacity to make specific decisions or arrangements, revolving around Wills and Estate matters. These can involve an assessment of dementia and the level of deterioration at a specific point in time, or the cognitive functioning of an individual post-traumatic brain injury.


Our psychologists have expertise in treating all forms of psychological trauma presentations. Post traumatic Stress Disorder is an emotional response following exposure to actual or threatened death, serious injury, or sexual violence (DSM-5). Complex Post traumatic Stress Disorder may develop following exposure to an event or serious of events of an extremely threatening or horrific nature, most commonly prolonged or repetitive events from which escape is difficult or impossible (e.g., torture, slavery, genocide campaigns, prolonged domestic violence, repeated childhood sexual or physical abuse, etc.) (ICD-11).

Our psychologists have expertise in treating drug and alcohol abuse issues for a wide range of drugs. We also have a wide network of rehabilitation centres, which we can readily refer to for the client’s court requirements. Addiction is as much of a psychological issue as a medical issue, which is why we often work collaboratively with rehabilitation centres and medical practitioners when treating drugs and alcohol presentations.

Our psychologists can treat anger issues at varying levels of severity. Anger is typically what we call “secondary emotion”, which masks “primary emotions” of embarrassment, insecurity, hurt, shame, or fear. The aim is to teach emotion literacy and emotion regulation strategies, which will help the individual to manage their emotion dysregulation in the future.

Psychosis is a condition that affects the way a person’s brain processes information. It is often characterised by a disconnection from reality. Symptoms include hallucinations, delusions, disorganisation, and a lack of insight into their illness. This is a psychiatric illness, which often requires both pharmaceutical and psychological therapy to treat. We often work collaboratively with psychiatrists when treating psychotic disorders.

Mood disorders are mental health disorders that affect a person’s emotional state, including depression, bipolar disorder, etc. Treatment of depressive disorders typically involve psychological therapy, whereas bipolar disorder includes both psychiatric and psychological care. Our psychologists often work collaboratively with psychiatrists when their services are required for the individual.

Personality disorders are often treated in a team setting. Our psychologists have specialist knowledge in treating personality disorders and often work together to manage the client’s symptoms and facilitate long-lasting behavioural change. Personality disorders encompass a broad range of personality disorders, where there are lifelong patterns of perceiving, relating to, and thinking about themselves, others and their environment. It also affects their interpersonal functioning and impulse control. Personality disorders are grouped into three distinct “clusters”. Cluster A often appear odd or eccentric (e.g., paranoid, schizoid, or schizotypal). Cluster B often appear dramatic, emotional or erratic (e.g., antisocial, borderline, histrionic, or narcissistic). Cluster C often appear anxious or fearful (e.g., avoidant, dependent or obsessive-compulsive).

This is an umbrella term for a number of anxiety-related disorders, such as phobias, social anxiety disorder, panic disorder, agoraphobia, generalised anxiety disorder, etc. Avoidance and safety behaviours often underpin and perpetuate these disorders, which are our exact therapeutic targets. Anxiety disorders are one of the most treatable and well-researched mental health disorders with long-lasting effects.

Offenders typically are the most heterogeneous population. Mental health does not cause offending behaviours, except for a select few disorders (e.g., psychotic disorders). The causes and clinical drivers of offending behaviour are often individualised and specific to each individual. Often, drugs and alcohol are involved. Our psychologists have expertise in identifying various risk factors that are associate with individual’s violent or sexual risk, and providing specialised psychological treatment for their offending behaviours. We also have expertise in treating various sex-related mental disorders, including paraphilia and paedophilia.

It is our experience that not enough attention is placed on an individual’s post-release wellbeing. Having a long gaol term can displace a person’s ability to adapt to community living and expectations, which can affect their reoffending risk. We are able to work with individuals post-release to assist with their transition back to community living and coping with daily societal demands.

Dispute Resolution

This is a mediation approach, where a professional mediator attempts to facilitate negotiation between parties in conflict. This allows more creative and bespoke solutions, which a court or tribunal may not be able to offer (i.e., damages or monetary compensation). They also empower the parties to problem solve collaboratively, which also helps with preserving the relationship between the parties. This is a voluntary process, which clients can explore for their disputes.

Veretis Legal Psychology have psychological and legal expertise in managing disputes that are involved in civil or commercial legal proceedings. We are able to adopt flexible and individualised mediation processes to suit the parties’ needs.

Our psychologists often also have extensive general corporate and organisational psychology experiences. We can provide mediation and dispute resolution services to help quickly and effectively resolve workplace disputes, including harassment, bullying, and other disagreements between staff or contractors within an organisation.


Veretis Legal Psychology has a group of experts in both psychology and law to provide integrated supervision and guidance to psychologists and provisional psychologists who wish to work in this specialised field of psychology.

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