Mental Health Diversion (s14/s32)

Image of a person's arms resting on a fence overlooking a blurred bushland and water

Veretis Legal Psychology is often engaged by lawyers acting for clients facing various local court matters. In a lot of these cases, the lawyer has not been aware of any significant mental health issues. which would have explained the client’s drug issues and the client had not disclosed any mental health difficulties. As a result, …

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Training clients on How to Brief a Psychologist

Blurred image of people sitting at a desk listening to an instructor

Veretis Legal Psychology was engaged by a criminal law firm to educate staff on briefing a psychologist. The session was designed to help the team better understand the complexities and intricacies of mental health and how these can impact a person’s behaviour, both in regard to offending and also when trying to work with some …

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Training for secondary trauma and managing vulnerable clients

Image of a professional Woman reading documents from a folder.

We commonly see that legal firms understand their staff need to be better equipped to support clients who present as emotionally charged due to the vulnerable nature of their circumstances and the potential impact their matter could have on their lives. Staff can feel ill-equipped to communicate effectively with these individuals, unable to respond appropriately …

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Case Study: Supporting to break the re-offending cycle

Image of an ornate building facade and clock

Veretis Legal Psychology supported an individual who had over a number of years demonstrated repeated driving related offences. Due to the ongoing nature of the offences a custodial sentence was becoming a likely circumstance for the individual. Their lawyer referred the individual to Veretis Legal Psychology for a sentencing report to help understand what was …

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Case Study: Urgent report

Image of a tall building taken from the base looking up

Veretis Legal Psychology was contacted by a lawyer who urgently needed their client assessed and a report produced for a district court hearing that was less than a week away. The client to this stage had not divulged that they had a previous ADHD diagnosis from their childhood doctor. They highlighted that they had never …

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